Diff of GE

Customer support: 0120-055-919 (24時間365日受付)~


|ASSET|Array Spatial Sensitivity Encoding Techniques|SENSE|
|ARC|Auto calibrating Reconstruction for Cartesian imaging|GRAPPA|
|PURE|Phased array Uniformity Enhancement|Prescan Normalize|
|SCIC|Surface Coil Intensity Correction||
|Hyper SENSE|Compressed sensing||

Linear(3) + HO(9) shims~
> readallcurrent
 Read current linear shims
 Please Check the Service Key. It is not present or expired.
 Host name: GEMR
 Mon Apr 17 15:01:31 2023
 -> Command to svat: PSC_SAVE_SHIM 
 Mon Apr 17 15:01:31 2023
 -> Command to svat: SLEEP .2 
 current values in linear shims
 x = "-41" y = "-148" z = "116"
 Z2 at -564 mAmps
 ZX at -328 mAmps
 ZY at 573 mAmps
 X2Y2 at -139 mAmps
 XY at -353 mAmps
 Z3 at 184 mAmps
 Z2X at -101 mAmps
 Z2Y at -486 mAmps
 ZX2Y2 at 0 mAmps

Setting Shim value
 > setNavShimCurrent ZX2Y2 -4000

Linear shim data file(save/load)

HOS dialog starts
 recon99 b0map<RET>

*CVs [#h5370798]
|autolock|pfile save flag||
|rhfermr|fermi filter size|size(integer)|
| nofermi |fermi filter application|0/1(on/off)|
| rhtype ||0 for no homodyne|
| rhrcxres |||
| rhrcyres |||
| rhimsize |recon size|disable automatic zerofilling|
| rhrcctrl || 3 (M &amp; P) or 13 (M,I,Q)|
| rhrcctrl | optional output | 3 (M &amp; P) or 13 (M,I,Q)|
After TPS reset button on

*Dicom Tags [#rbf01829]
|0043 10B2|table position||
|0043 108E|line width/ws level|15,0,99|
|0019 10A9| -	Bloch-Siegert BLS pulse option	 (CV2)|0: Fermi 8ms 1: Quadratic 4ms 2: Adiabatic 2ms|
|0020 0100| -	EPI Volume number||
|0020 9057| -	Slice number||
|0043 1083|  1st number is 1/R||
|0043 10B6|  multi-band/factor/ shift factor/ Calibration Method||

>sage<RET> (/usr/g/bin/sage)
 load raw data(pfile)

Log files
 gesys_GEMR : log messages at the bottom
 MrMain : log at the right upper messages

Protocol file(pdf)
 2.ProtocolExchange>Export Mode>drag the set to Protocol Selection section>Preview
 3./usr/g/service/log/Exp_Protocols/GE_ProtocolExchange/***.html ***.pdf
 You should copy the files otherwise you lose them.


 Capturing waveforms

Protocol Directory: /export/home/signa/wfprotocols/site/
 After open Laminar.tar.gz, you will find adult_head_LAMINAR_FMRI_20221130133738924_1 folder.
 Copy adult_head_LAMINAR_FMRI_20221130133738924_1 folder and paste it in /usr/g/wfprotocols/site
 Run script setupProtocols
 Then, protocol you copied will appear in the protocol library.

**After the system recovery(2024Feb26->Aug.21): [#r15ee328]
 dual screen setting (~/.xinitrc update)
 nfs mount setting ( /etc/fstab update)
 ssh setting ( /etc/ssh/ssh_config update, PasswordAuthentication yes, 700 for ~/.ssh)
 copy necessary commands for ~/bin
 setup cron for automatic screen saving (cron -e)
 copy necessary HOS reference files (/w/config/ho_shim/reference/)
 recovery of RIKEN protocols (cp -r <backup protocols> /usr/g/wfprotocols; setupProtocols)
 chmod 777 /usr/g/research as a root user
 cat 100>~/tmp/caplog.txt
 edit ~/.cshrc (add path setting)
 ln -s /export/home1/sdc_image_pool/images ~/dicoms
 ln -s /usr/g/research/mrraw ~/pfile
 install linux commands (emacs, tree, etc.) /usr4/uken/install/gemr
 Exam number adjustment
     Service Desktop Manager>Guided Install>Start-[root PW]->Preferences/Set Exam Number
 edit /etc/security/limit.conf
   <*       hard    maxlogins       20
   >*       hard    maxlogins       50
 xset s 3600 3600
 xset dpms 3600 3600 3600
 mkdir -p ~/screen/cap
 update ~/.fvwm
 make ~/abin (from /usr4/raw/to_GE_scanner/abin_rocky.tar)
 ssh setting for vre,hebb access
 linux_bin setting and .cshrc path setting
 /etc/hosts (is/hebb)
 ntp setting(/etc/chrony.conf)
{sdc@GEMR}[114] crontab -l
 0 0 * * * /export/home/sdc/nuevo/scripts/util/vacuum.sh >> /export/home/sdc/nuevo/logfiles/vacuumDB.log 2>&1
 0 0-23 * * * csh /export/home/sdc/nuevo/scripts/util/cleanUpLogs.csh /export/home1/sdc_image_pool/dbx/pg_log/postgresql
 15 6,21       * * * find /export/home/sdc/logfiles -name "*.Z" -mtime +5 -exec /bin/rm -f {} \; 2> /dev/null
 # Check and delete Nuevo logs
 15 6,10,15,20 * * * /export/home/sdc/scripts/manage_log > /dev/null 2>&1
 7 * * * * /export/home/signa/vre/diags/checkICN_HD.pl > /dev/null 2>&1
 0 0-23 * * * /usr/sbin/logrotate -v ~sdc/nuevo/resources/system/nvologrotate.conf > /dev/null 2>&1
 */1 * * * * /export/home/sdc/bin/captureauto & sleep 30;/export/home/sdc/bin/captureauto > /dev/null 2>&1
 2 15 * * * /export/home/sdc/bin/backupge > /dev/null 2>&1

What is this?