History of VNMRJ (No. 6)
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Pulse sequences†
Given by Mr.Kuribayashi to avoid center line artifact. Ken modified the hard inversion pulse to selective inversion pulse.
Modified by Mr.Kuribayashi to have non-selective inversion pulse. Ken modified the hard inversion pulse to selective inversion pulse.
Macro commands†
90 degree pulse check Make array of "pw", set tr=4s
pwcal<RET> | 600,650,700,..,1550 |
pwcal(300)<RET> | 300,350,...,1250 |
pwcal(500,10)<RET> | 500,550,...,950 |
pwcal(600,3,200)<RET> | 600,800,1000 |
Showing the spectrum peak information(similar to 'dres') This commands set H1offset value automatically for the following scans.
set rfcoil and RFCOIL parameter based on the current experiment's pw90 and tpwr setting. If you don't have the rfcoil setting's name, you need to create it by 'pulsecal' or 'rfcal'. jx('butterfly') will do same thing with rfcoil='butterfly'.
shorter version of 'pulsecal' command. This require tpwr and pw values. This command will overwrite the table when you have the same combination used before. pw value is copied to pw90. rfcal(53,800)
Switch volume receive and array receive mode. 'rcvcoil' and 'rcvrs' will be updated.
Unix commands†
Make sdt file from fdf file This command is made just for quick look of your data by stimulate. It may fail depend on the type of your data set.
Make division image from 2 images(T1 & T2* contrast)
new t3 field for epi_riken†
t3 = nav_echo_number nv nseg r etl center_echo nv(reconstructed) big_blip
nav_echo_number : Number of the navigator echoes nv : Number of the phase encode steps(include nav_echo) nseg : Number of shots r : Acceleration factor(For sense) etl : Echo train length center_echo : Position of 0 phase encode line in the echo trains nv(reconstructed) : Size of phase encode axis after the reconstruction big_blip : Biggest blip size in the phase encode gradient trains.
3D reconstruction program and petable†
3D reconstruction program seems to have a problem to read petable data. The petable needs not to have other information than T1 values. (T3 or comment line can have problems). VNMRJ can be frozen because of the failue. [#fefbe660]
VNMRJ Err: time tick mismatch between DDR Controllers. abort! This happens when we type 'dps' with rcvrs!='y'.