History of Postprocessing (No. 5)
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This is one example of EPI data processing.
BrainVoyager is used for 3D motion correction.
raw/run1.raw.fid (original data)
cp -r run1.raw.fid ../epirri/run1.fid<RET> cd ../epirri<RET> ln -s ../physio/070101-01.car run1.fid/<RET>
EPI data correction(Reference scan & Navigator echo)
cd ../epirri<RET> epirri4b run1.fid<RET> *Be careful the data is overwritten.
peak<RET> load *.car data and make 3 files(acq.peak.bit cardio.peak.bit respir.peak.bit)
postproc -dc -physiofix run1.fid run1.pp1.sdt<RET> DC artifact removal & physiofix
First volume(reference) removal†
rmvol run1.pp1<RET>
Convert data type into short integer†
sdt4to2 run1.pp1<RET>
Convert to Analyze format(for BrainVoyager)†
sdt2spm run1.pp1<RET>
Load analyze format data Preprocessing fmr data -slice scan time correction -3D motion correction
Make output as Analyze format (run1_SCSA_3DMCTS_0*.img)
cat run1_SCSA_3DMCTS_0*.img > run1_SCSA_3DMCTS.sdt<RET> endianflip run1_SCSA_3DMCTS.sdt run1_SCSA_3DMCTSf.sdt s<RET> cp run1.pp1.spr run1_SCSA_3DMCTSf.spr<RET>
Make a mask file and apply it†
mask file: mask.sdt mask run1_SCSA_3DMCTSf mask<RET>
Temporal filtering†
bp_filt run1_SCSA_3DMCTSfM.sdt -h 5<RET>