History of AnalogRecorder (No. 10)
- History
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- 1 (2010-11-17 (Wed) 21:59:40)
- 2 (2010-11-18 (Thu) 01:01:48)
- 3 (2010-11-18 (Thu) 02:54:04)
- 4 (2010-11-21 (Sun) 15:11:53)
- 5 (2010-11-23 (Tue) 23:37:29)
- 6 (2010-11-25 (Thu) 17:36:45)
- 7 (2010-11-29 (Mon) 20:33:43)
- 8 (2010-11-29 (Mon) 23:52:46)
- 9 (2015-05-10 (Sun) 21:20:01)
- 10 (2015-05-26 (Tue) 20:21:56)
- 11 (2015-07-28 (Tue) 10:49:23)
Analog Recorder†
Computer MacPro
National Instruments USB DAQ device: USB-6218
32 ch RSE Setting(16bit)
Analog Recorder†
Computer: MacPro(Quad-Core Intel Xenon 2.8GHz)
Environment: LabView2009(Developer)
National Instruments PCI-X board: PCIe-6259
32 ch NRSE Setting(16bit)
Channels: Acq,Cardio,Resp,4th,5th,...,32th
ch | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
AcqTrig | Cardio | Respir | EyePosX | EyePosY | EyeSize | Response1 | Response2 | |
ch | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 |
StimTrig1 | StimTrig2 | StimTrig3 | StimTrig4 | Response3 | Response4 | Response5 | Response6 | |
ch | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 |
CNTR | MotionL | MotionR | Response7 | Response8 | StimTrig5 | StimTrig6 | StimTrig7 | |
ch | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 |
StimTrig8 | ANY | ANY | ANY | ANY | ANY | ANY | ANY |
100Hz recording
Acquisition trigger data has 1kHz resolution
Car3 format†
base: little endian 4byte float data
"File header part"
struct car_head { int16 carbyte; int16 headersize; char timestr[12]; char descrip[17]; float samplerate; int32 termconf; float min,max; char carbyte2[3]; }
carbyte: [cbbbbbta xxxxxxxx]
c(1bit): 1 for checking car2/3 data bbbbb(5bits): [The integer plus 1] indicates the number of channels(1~32) t(1bit): No use now a(1bit): acquisition trigger data bit packing(1) or not(0)
"Data part"
Card1~N,Resp1~N,Sig(A~$)(1~N): 4byte float
Car2 format†
base: big endian 2byte integer data
Card1~N,Resp1~N,Sig(A~$)(1~N): 2byte signed integer
Acq1~N: [cbbbbbtt tttttttt] 2byte bit sequence
c(1bit): 1 for checking car2 data bbbbb(5bits): [The integer plus 1] indicates the number of channels(1~32) tt tttttttt(10bits): Acquisition trigger statement at each timing every 1 msec(above threshold[2.5V] or not) The lowest bit corresponds to the earliest timing.
The following command should support car2 data
Old Analog Recorder†
National Instruments PCI board:PCI-6023e
16 ch SE Setting(12bit)
Channels: Acq,Cardio,Resp,4th,5th,...,32th
ch | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
AcqTrig | Cardio | Respir | EyePosX | EyePosY | StimTrig1 | StimTrig2 | Response1 | |
ch | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 |
Response2 | EyeSize | Motion1 | Motion2 | Free | Free | Free | Free |
Car1 format†
base: big endian base 2-byte data(12 bit data is stored in 16 bit box)
(int)AAAA is the timing information of acquisition trigger onset(0[No onset],1~10)~ (12bit data)[NNNN NNNN NNNN]~
(int)AAAA is empty("0000")~ (12bit data)[NNNN NNNN NNNN]~
Data conversion :
Car1 vs Car2†
Car1 and Ext | Car | |
extension | .car/.ext | .car |
data type | big endian | big endian |
files | 2 separate files | 1 unified file |
Number of channels | 3~16channels(car-3 ext-0~13) | 1~32channels |
analog data resolution | 12bit | 16 bit |
analog data sampling | 100Hz | 100Hz |
acquisition trigger resolution | code the trigger-on timing at 1kHz (cannot have multiple trigger-on for 10msec interval) | 1kHz(Real 1kHz digital) |
analog data range | -5~5V | -10~10V |
SCB-68 BNC-2090A SHC68-68-EPM Cable x2