History of fMRI Experiment Procedure (No. 1)
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- 1 (2013-07-11 (Thu) 20:20:33)
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- 3 (2016-06-06 (Mon) 08:58:24)
Support Unit For Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging(fMRI Unit) Our Web Site : http://www.cbm.brain.riken.jp/~mri/home.html
2.Brings the subject to the MRI site.
2.1.Ask the subject to put his/her luggage into a locker.
2.2.The experimenter should remove all metal from his/her person and instruct the subject to do the
by the subject.
3.Filling out an MRI Informed consent document. [The experimenter and operator should both take care.]
3.1.Ask the subject to read the MRI informed consent document and taboo list carefully. Pay particular attention to questions regarding dental bridges and define lenses, confirm these points with the subject orally.
3.2.After the confirmation, ask the subject to complete a form in the computer. Confirm the subject does not fall under any of the exclusion criteria. If the subject meets any of the exclusion criteria the experiment can not proceed.
3.3.Have the subject sign the printed informed consent form.
4.Check list just before the experiment
4.1.Make sure all stimuli and response devices work.
4.2.Make sure respiration and cardiac signal devices are ready.
4.3.Turn on an infrared camera system for monitoring a subject, and make sure it is working.
4.4.Explain to the subject about a process of the experiment, e.g. tasks and time required.
4.5.(If the subject needs,) ask the subject to chose the correct MRI glasses.
5.Confirming cloth and belongings
5.2.Finally confirm using a metallic detector.
5.3.Ask the subject to go to toilet before starting the experiment.
5.4.Ask the subject to change into slippers
6.Entering the magnet room
6.1.<If there are needed, ask the subject to adjust the focus of the goggles before sitting on the patient
6.2.Ask the subject to sit on the patient table and insert wear earplugs tightly.
6.3.Ask the subject to lie down slowly, to avoid hitting his/her head on the RF coil.
6.4.Put pillows under the legs. (If the subject wishes.)
6.7.Put a blanket on the subject.
6.10.(If it is necessary,) mount the bite bar (with mouthpiece) on the coil.
6.11.Set up the goggle / the screen and the mirror.
6.12.<Adjust the eye tracking system.>
6.13.Place the response device and test it (and confirm the task with the subject).
6.15.<Slide the transmit coil over the subjects head, if a separate transmit coil is used.>
6.16.Instruct the subject to press the button when the subject hears the buzzer.
6.17.Instruct the subject to press the button continually or to detach the cardiac sensor when the subject wants to stop the experiment.
6.18.Instruct the subject to refrain from moving inside MRI as much as possible.
6.19.Instruct the subject not too breath deeply and to not stop breathing during the EPI scan (task).
6.20.Instruct the subject to inform us if he/she feels pain or get sick.
6.21.Ask the subject to report if he/she get too sweaty.
6.22.Moving the patient table
6.22.1.Ask the subject to close his/her eyes while the patient table is moving.
6.22.2.While moving the patient table into the magnet, at least one experimenter or support unit staff person should be on each end of the magnet, confirming that nothing gets caught or stuck.
6.22.3.Emergency switches on sides of the patient table can stop the table immediately.
6.22.4.Visually check to avoid anything (screen, fixture, etc.) on the patient table hitting the gradient coil.
6.22.5.Visually check to ensure that coil cables do not become tangled.
6.22.6.Hold cables for respiration, the cardiac sensor and response devices, and fix them once the table is in position.
6.22.7.Push the patient table to an appropriate final position by hand.
6.23.Check connection of the RF cables and adjust the projector.
6.24.Check that the visual stimulus is displaying properly (position, magnitude and focus).
6.25.Turn off the lights in the magnet room before closing the door (of shield room).
6.26.Close the door tightly.
6.28.Check the status of the subject thorough the infrared monitor.
7.MRI Scanning
7.1.shimming : making magnetic field uniform.
7.2.scout scanning : positioning for a high resolution anatomical imaging
7.3.high resolution anatomical imaging 7.4.scout scanning : positioning for EPI scanning
7.5.EPI test scanning : verification of position and quality of EPI images
7.6.EPI noise scanning : for SENSE or t-SENSE reconstruction
7.7.Before EPI scanning with task
7.7.1.<Adjust detecting eye motion.>
7.7.2.Make sure analogue signals are adequate. (If needed, adjust baseline of respiration signal.)
7.7.3.Start recording analogue signals.
7.7.4.EPI scanning with task
7.7.5.Low resolution 3D anatomical imaging, 2D anatomical imaging
7.7.6.If the subject repot that he/she cannot continue the experiment (by detaching cardiac sensor,
etc..) during experiment, stop the experiment immediately.
7.7.7.Avoid asking the subject to speak. Instruct the subject not to speak during whole scanning.
7.7.8.Criterion for aborting the experiment, due to increased cardiac rate: 120 per 1 min, continuing more than 1 minute.
8.After the MRI scanning
8.1.Ask the subject to fill out the questionnaire in the computer.
8.3.Ask the subject to put his/her signature on the printed questionnaire form.
8.4.Show the subject the high resolution 3D anatomy (you may give him/her printed image).
8.5.Copy printed documents (the informed consent and the questionnaire).
8.7.Make sure the subject has everything.