History of SiemensCmd (No. 1)
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- 1 (2016-02-26 (Fri) 04:22:18)
dgs(display the important parameters)†
> dgs 0001.dcm<RET> Descript = Kenji^test
operator = Kenji system = SIEMENS Prisma MR_VD13D subjID = D165 seqfil = *fl2d1 GradientMode = Normal Freq = 123.250322 MHz BW = 320 Hz TR = 8.6 ms TE = 4 ms FA = 20 deg thk = 7 (gap = 1.4) mm nv = 233 etl = 1 nt = 2 sar = 0.00726778309457 W/kg %sampling = 91 %pe = 100 image pos = 0\-145\125 image ori = 0\1\-1 coilstr = HC1-7,NC1,2 (64)
acquisition_time = 20160222T164905.742500 acquisition_Number = 1 time_after_start = 0 s dwelltime = 6100 table_pos = 0\-1256 dim = 512 x 512 x x ? FOV = 250 x 250 mm dicombit = 12 bitmax = 759 (18 %) info =