History of Agilent (No. 7)
- He filling(2011.May.?)
- Console upgrade (2011.Mar, to be fixed)
- Half year maintenance(?)
- Annual report(PDFs and data from new console)
- VNMRJ3 release schedule
Stuffs & construction†
- Receiver board spare
- Gradient AMP module x 2 (2010.Aug Mr.Seki promised)
- Gradient Temperature sensor problem(Low impedance cable)
- Error announcement system for coldhead, air conditioner and so on
- Interphone in bay room
- DECC board spare(Did we get? Need confirm)
To be asked†
Other issues†
- second Oil attenuator(30dB)
- Old gradient coil
- Pulse oxymeter update
- Color printer for printing screen
- Patient table controller
- Air conditioner replace(2011.Apr.15)
- He filling & Ramp-down(2011.Feb.28)
- Window replace for shield room(2011.Mar)
- Shield performance improve
- Solution for /usr4 saving problem (Kuribayashi)
- No answer but we won't have this problem in future
- Modification of joints for ethylene glycol circuit(Grad Amp cooler)
Question about the new console & vnmrj†
- How to make customization on the shimming interface(buttons and value input box).
- How to control the cmdHistory feature. It seems the current history length is set to be 100 items. How can we increase the number(e.g. 10000 items)?
(~/vnmrsys/cmdHistory is always empty is there any function? What is persistence/CmdHistoryMenu? vnmrsys/persistence/CommandHistory is having up to 100 recent commands.)
- Is there any way to make experimental package(shim,scout,epi,3d,etc) and retrieve them at a same 00:49:40
- How can we confirm the current threshold setting set by chartstrip? And we want really confirm the system is really monitoring the RF or not.(System can run without chartstrip running)
- After RF safety monitor tripping, we run "su acqproc" twice then start "chartstrip" again. Is this must-procedure or is there any simpler way to make it?
- After finishing acquisition, output trigger port stays(sp1~3) as the status set during the acquisition. We want to reset(set them to zero) at the end of the acquisition(interrupted end as well). How do Agilent suggest to achieve this?
- Is there anyway to confirm the error indicator status from the DELL machine?
- VNMRJ says 'sa' command is not supported. Why? Any other way to stop experiment and store the data?
- We are having 4 spectrum peaks when we set rcvrs='yyyy' and rcvcoil='volume'