History of QuenchManual (No. 2)


RIKEN 4T MRI Laboratory Quench Manual

Identifying a quench

The only definite, immediate sign of a quench is the discharge of a large cloud of Helium gas either out of the quench tube into the dry area, or, if the quench tube fails, then into the magnet room itself. Depending on the intensity of the quench, there may or may not be audible sounds coming from the magnet.

If the quench tube fails and the Helium cloud is discharged into the magnet room, the Oxygen level in the room will drop dangerously low. This will be indicated by the Oxygen meter outside the magnet room. If the Oxygen level in the room is below 18% an alarm should sound.

If a quench has occurred you should not enter the magnet room until you are sure the quench is over and the air in the room has returned to normal, EXCEPT to remove a living subject.

Situation 1: A Human Subject

1) When placing a subject in the magnet always leave the patient table controller in the designated location next to the door.

2) When you first suspect that there is a quench, if you are in the middle of an experiment, stop. Then check to see if the Oxygen meter display is in the normal range (above 18%) or not.

3) Make sure the forced ventilation is turned on.

4) Open the door to the magnet room.

5) Remove the subject from the room following either procedure a) or b) depending on the observed conditions.

a) If the Oxygen meter is below 18% and/or there is a white cloud in the room DO NOT ENTER THE ROOM. Instead reach into the room and get the patient table controller. Then WHILE STANDING OUTSIDE THE MAGNET ROOM, use the controller out to bring the subject out of magnet. When the subject is out of the magnet, quickly but calmly, go into the room and help the subject out of the RF coil and out of the room.
b) If the room is clear and the Oxygen meter is reading normal (>18%), you may enter the room while bringing the subject out of the magnet. Then quickly but calmly help the subject out of the RF coil and out of the room.

6) No matter what the condition of the room do not spend any longer in the room than necessary to remove the subject from the room.

7) Once the subject is removed from the room shut the door to the magnet room.

8) Assess the condition of the subject. If the subject is unconscious, or if the subject is in anyway not feeling well, call an ambulance (0-119). If the quench vented into the room, you should call an ambulance and have the subject taken to the hospital for examination, even if the subject believes they are okay.

9) Call the Guard station (111). Tell them if you have called an ambulance. Also tell them about the quench and assure them that the BSI East building is NOT on fire. (Note: If the quench tube breaks and the Helium cloud is discharged into the room, the fire alarm may be triggered by the cloud.)

Situation 2: A Monkey Subject

1) When placing a monkey in the magnet always leave the patient table controller in the designated location next to the door.

2) When you first suspect that there is a quench, if you are in the middle of an experiment, stop. Then check to see if the Oxygen meter display is in the normal range (above 18%) or not.

3) Make sure the forced ventilation is turned on.

4) If the monkey's pulse and respiration are normal, do not open the door. Continue to monitor the monkey until the quench has finished and the room is back to normal. If the monkey's vital signs deteriorate or some other problem develops with the monkey, go ahead and remove it following the procedures given in steps 5-8 of the Human subject situation.

5) Call the Guard station (111). Tell them about the quench and assure them that the BSI East building is NOT on fire. (Note: If the quench tube breaks and the Helium cloud is discharged into the room, the fire alarm may be triggered by the cloud.)

Situation 3: A Phantom

1) When you first suspect that there is a quench, if you are in the middle of an experiment, stop. Then check to see if the Oxygen meter display is in the normal range (above 18%) or not.

2) Make sure the forced ventilation is turned on.

3) DO NOT OPEN THE DOOR TO THE MAGNET ROOM until you are sure the quench is over and the Oxygen level is at a normal level.

4) Call the Guard station (111). Tell them about the quench and assure them that the BSI East building is NOT on fire. (Note: If the quench tube breaks and the Helium cloud is discharged into the room, the fire alarm may be triggered by the cloud.)

理研 4T MRI 実験室 クエンチ対処 マニュアル


クエンチの、唯一かつ確実の直接の徴候は、ヘリウムガスの大きな煙の、クエンチ管からドライエリアへの放出か、またはクエンチ管が損傷を受けた場合は磁石室内への放出である。クエンチの強度によって、磁石から音が聞こえる場合も聞こえない場合もある。 クエンチ管が損傷を受けてヘリウムの煙が磁石室内に放出された場合、磁石室の酸素レベルは危険な水準まで低下する。この低下は磁石室の外の酸素計から知ることができる。室内の酸素レベルが18%未満になると警報が鳴る。 クエンチが発生した場合、生きた被験体を室外へ出す場合を除いて、クエンチが終了し室内の空気が正常に戻っていることが確認できるまで、室内に入ってはならない。

状況1 人間が被験体である場合











状況2 サルが被験体である場合






状況3 ファントムの場合



