History of Agilent (No. 11)
- He filling(2011.May.?)
- Console upgrade (2011.Mar, to be fixed)
- Half year maintenance(?)
- Annual report(PDFs and data from new console)
- VNMRJ3 release schedule
Stuffs & construction†
- Receiver board spare
- Gradient AMP module x 2 (2010.Aug Mr.Seki promised)
- Gradient Temperature sensor problem(Low impedance cable)
- Error announcement system for coldhead, air conditioner and so on
- Interphone in bay room
- DECC board spare(Did we get? Need confirm)
To be asked†
Other issues†
- second Oil attenuator(30dB)
- Old gradient coil
- Pulse oxymeter update
- Color printer for printing screen
- Patient table controller
- Air conditioner replace(2011.Apr.15)
- He filling & Ramp-down(2011.Feb.28)
- Window replace for shield room(2011.Mar)
- Shield performance improve
- Solution for /usr4 saving problem (Kuribayashi)
- No answer but we won't have this problem in future
- Modification of joints for ethylene glycol circuit(Grad Amp cooler)
Question about the new console & vnmrj†
- How to make customization on the shimming interface(buttons and value input box).
- How to control the cmdHistory feature. It seems the current history length is set to be 100 items. How can we increase the number(e.g. 10000 items)?
(~/vnmrsys/cmdHistory is always empty is there any function? What is persistence/CmdHistoryMenu? vnmrsys/persistence/CommandHistory is having up to 100 recent commands.)
- Is there any way to make experimental package(shim,scout,epi,3d,etc) and retrieve them at a same time ?
- How can we confirm the current threshold setting set by chartstrip? And we want really confirm the system is really monitoring the RF or not.(System can run without chartstrip running)
- After RF safety monitor tripping, we run "su acqproc" twice then start "chartstrip" again. Is this must-procedure or is there any simpler way to make it?
- After finishing acquisition, output trigger port stays(sp1~3) as the status set during the acquisition. We want to reset(set them to zero) at the end of the acquisition(interrupted end as well). How do Agilent suggest to achieve this?
- Is there anyway to confirm the error indicator status from the DELL machine?
- VNMRJ says 'sa' command is not supported. Why? Any other way to stop experiment and store the data safely?
- When we toggle the tab to Start>Prescan RCVCOIL setting is automatically changed to the setting indicated by coil_param[19] value. Why? How can we avoid the automated feature?
- To convert data to nifti, fdf2nifti(vnmrj3) command may be available. Any instruction for it? Is there any way to put correct nifti coordinate info into the nifti file?
- Here is the 3D data we took on May.10.

Nova issue†
- We are having 4 spectrum peaks when we set rcvrs='yyyy' and rcvcoil='volume'
- It seems array coils are not detuned well(or at all) when we set volume receive mode. It may be the reason why we can observe the rf signals from ch2,3,4 even when the receiver mode is volume receive. Can it be just a feature?